Elixinol CBD Hemp Oil Capsules 900 MG of CBD Extract


Elixinol™ is a Hemp Oil derived from specially bred Industrial Hemp plants with a high CBD content. The Hemp we use is grown organically, and CO2 extracted.  The capsules, is our first encapsulated concentrate of Hemp oil.  It is a wholesome extract, not synthetic and not an isolate.  It contains all the synergistic Cannabinoids, Terpenoids, Essential Oils and other compounds of the original plant.  The capsules are great for ease of consumption, no taste, convenience, and controlled dosage.  A 60 capsule container of Elixinol™ contains 375 mg of cannabidiol extract or CBD hemp oil.  A suggested serving is 1 capsule daily which will provide many valuable nutrients including 15mg of CBD.


Elixinol Hemp Oil CBD capsules

Elixinol Hemp Oil CBD Capsules
900 MG of CBD Extract


  • 60 capsules per bottle containing 15 MG of CBD and 375 MG of Hemp Oil per capsule
  • Full-spectrum Cannabinoid extract
  • Organic hemp CO2 extract in a capsule
  • Other natural molecules include: Alkanes, Nitrogenous compounds, Amino acids, Sugars, Aldehydes, Alcohols, Ketones, Flavanoids, Glycosides, Vitamins, Pigments, and water.


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Hempy CBD Oil © 2022 - - The sale, production and distribution of CBD oils/products derived from imported raw material industrial hemp is not in violation of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). CBD, and even THC, when in industrial hemp oil, are legal. The importation of industrial hemp is lawful, as exempt parts of the “marijuana” plant such as industrial hemp fiber, stalk, seed and oils can be lawfully imported into the United States and these portions of an industrial hemp plant may enter into United States commerce. The DEA cannot regulate naturally-occurring CBD not contained within or derived from “marijuana,” i.e., non-psychoactive hemp products, because non-psychoactive hemp from the stalks and fibers of industrial hemp are not included in Schedule I. The DEA has no authority to regulate drugs that are not scheduled/defined. Frontier Theme